Friday, June 30, 2006

Feeling Lucky

As, I sit here breast feeding my youngest, having just put the middle one down for a nap and managing to get the oldest out the door to our play ground I am feeling lucky. Not because the house is calm or that I did the laundry, still haven't put it away though, I am feeling lucky because my children are healthy and haven't had anything happen to them. Looking at the Davinator who is now 10 months I think of how blessed I truly am. Yeah, Doug and I don't have much as far as material possessions and neither of us has attained the professional successes we once desired but we have everything we need. We have each other and we have three great boys who are, as of today, healthy. This is why I want to help others and turn this blog and my focus towards a new direction. Since starting my company I have really been happy and excited about life, frankly I have felt a bit empowered by the realizations that I can learn quickly and I can help others. Yes, I wanted to open an online boutique of all my favorite things, the trendiest things and all things baby & mom. Through doing this I have made friends with many other Mom's who either work in the home or in/out of the home. I have realized that making money is not my primary goal in life. It won't be what will make me happy or what will help me rest well at night. I have always desired to be a person who makes an impact! I feel that the best way for me to make that impact is by inspiring and helping others. In the future you will notice changes of the blog site and boutique site that will be related towards my higher goals. I know many of you have enjoyed reading my product reviews and how I feature the stories of designers/WAHM's, so do not fear those will not go away. I will just be adding more information on how you as a Mom can become an activist and help make this world better for all the children. I hope to bring enough causes to the table that eventually everyone will find something to feel positive about and stand behind. In a way the blog will become more of what blogs are meant to be a journal or soapbox for one to stand on & shout loudly until others are reached and a connection is made. Keep tuned and check back regularly for updates. thanks for sticking with me...Blog 2 you Later...Today...I promise!


Blogger Susan said...

Hi Ana-Lidia,
Wow, lots of exciting things to come in your blog! I am looking forward to reading more and more from you (as I am sure you know, I am your biggest fan ;-) LOL!) I do like the reviews you post, but I also love to hear about you and your family! And really enjoyed reading about Courtnee and her 5 babies plus Lillie! Beautiful story that reminds us to reach out and touch someone elses life in any way we can. :-)
Thank you for sharing your thoughts & words.

12:36 PM  

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