Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Give them the titty!

okay, so you've gotten over that initial time in the hospital and the first couple of weeks at home and the breastfeeding has been going great. All of a sudden you realize that everytime this little perfect human is hungry or needs comforting you either pick him up or the hubby brings him to you. It starts to dawn on you how overwhelming it is to never be able to run away from this child. Yupe! You pretty much have to be there for him especially if you hav not introduced a bottle to him with either formula for supplementing or expressed breast milk. Yes, I know the last thing you want to do is go and hook yourself up to a pump after baby has been on you 24/7! So, by now you've probably gotten a swore nipple or two maybe even some cracks! Now you wan tto cry, you want to give up and brestfeeding might not sound as glorious as all the feminist once told you. For heavens sake your not a cow! Those are your breasts why does the hubby tell you to feed him everytime he cries? Why does he keep bringing to you? Okay, calm down. I know I have been there and it is overwhelming and I wanted to quit too! I yelled at my hubby and told them that they were my breasts, that I wasn't a cow and to give the baby a minute to cry, I needed a minute! The thing is the second to fourth months of brestfeeding can be the worst. I am at month ten with Davin and sometimes I still feel overwhelmed. It isn't easy being a food source. Human nature has in these days become more about our consumption not our production. You are made though to be able to feed that baby. You just have to stick it out and the negative feelings are normal. If you have a way of getting them out so you don't feel like you have to keep them inside, please do so! Each day you add to your breastfeeding resume will make it easier for you to add another week then another month. Before you know it the baby will be weaned and you'll have your breasts back. I have to find the link but I read somewhere about a culture (I think it was in Japan?-where the A Bomb went off) that each time the baby cried he/she was given the breast. Babies in this culture were allowed to breast feed as often as they wanted throughout the day without much concern when the last time was they nursed. On this island all babies were breastfed and there was no incidences of depression, in fact they had no psychologists on the island. I found this info to be very interesting and it keeps ringing in the back of my head when everyone comments how happy Davin is. He is pretty much a super smiley baby, mostly happy, never colicky and if he gets upset I nurse him. Just as the mom's from that culture did. If this gives him a chance to grow to be a confidant, independant and content man that does not suffer from depression, I'll have given him a great gift; even if it means a year or so of being a milk maid. When I find that article I'll link it here! Blog 2 you Later!


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