Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Good Morning Boutique Moms!

Good Morning! I am so excited that so many of you have emailed me and Susan to let us know you will also take a stand against these places that are charging tons for text ads and against the top 100 lists that have resulted in zero sales for most of us. I'd like to take the time to address some of your questions, but my friend will be posting detailed answers later today. If she can't get to it I will try my best at putting all her great knowledge into words that I can understand and that you can also grasp. Also being new to this I am learning all about how search engines work and how linking is important but what is most important is how we write our content for our sites. She, understands the mechanics of this better and she will be giving us the abswers to the questions. Most of you are asking how this is going to work. Essentially this is should work like one huge link exchange, instead of each of us putting in 100+ new links into our site by hand one link at a time, we will be adding one page with keywords that point to the site associated to that keyword. Each of us will get at least one keyword or phrase on that page that will point to our site(s). So, please please guys don't go crazy adding my banners to your sites. NOT what I wanted. I am not trying to get press for my store or the blog. Wait until we get more people contacted and when we compile the list with keywords we will contact you again about what we need. Just keep tuned to the blog and our emails. I am sorry boys are going crazy I will continue later!


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